Monday, October 8, 2012

Carnival of Financial Planning Super Late Edition!

Mikael HerouxOctober 7, 2012, 5:33 pm by: The Financial Blogger??? Category: Miscellaneous

oooops! sorry for the confusion! here?s the Carnival of Financial Planning!


Miss T. @ Prairie Eco Thrifter writes Identify Your Money Motivations ? Understanding what you want from your money, and from your life, will help you make the changes in behavior that really matter to your finances, and that can actually help you improve your quality of life.

James Petzke @ This Is Common Cents writes The Common Cents of the Latte Factor ? The Latte Factor is an important thing for many people to take a look at in their lives.

SBB @ Simple Budget Blog writes Common Budgeting Mistakes ? Find out the common budgeting mistakes and how to avoid them to keep your budget in control.

Miss T. @ Prairie Eco Thrifter writes How to Have a Green Christmas ? Your Christmas holidays don?t need to suffer at the expense of being green. There are numerous ways you can reduce your impact and still enjoy the season.

Invest It Wisely @ Invest It Wisely writes Explore All of Your Options Prior to Attending College ? I have seen this first hand as an educator and I have developed a hypocrisy that is ill-fitted for my career path. I, no longer feel that a college education is the most logical step post-high school.

JP @ My Family Finances writes Yes. Parents Should Open a 529 Plan for Their Children ? The simple fact is that if college costs continue to grow at current rates, you?d have trouble saving too much money. Don?t let the magical final number get in your way of starting a 529 Plan.

John @ Married (with Debt) writes Threats to Debt Freedom ? The biggest threat to debt freedom is?going back in debt, and that?s one of my biggest worries now that we are debt free (minus the house). I don?t plan on going out and borrowing any money in the near future, but I guess that?s the idea.

Kyle @ The Penny Hoarder writes Finding The Best Credit Card Rewards ? There are a lot of places that claim to know the best credit card for rewards, but the truth is that the best rewards for credit cards are truly up to the individual who uses them. The reason is that each person values things differently.

TTMK @ Tie the Money Knot writes Ten Tips to Avoid Debt in Your Life ? Some people are comfortable with lots of debt, or oblivious to its hazards. Not me, and I want to share with you 10 tips to avoid bringing debt into your life.

Mr. Money @ Smart on Money writes Best Ways for Young Workers to Save for Retirement ? Albert Einstein once described the principle of compound interest as one of the most powerful forces in the world. While he may have been exaggerating, there is some truth to that statement.

Dave @ Excess Return @ Excess Return writes Finding a Dependable Financial Advisor ? Even the savviest of investment managers cannot singularly select and track stocks in different asset classes, and have experienced teams helping them with data collection and analysis. So an individual investor will likely not succeed at this new diversified market-neutral investing paradigm without help.

Ted Jenkin @ Your Smart Money Moves writes How Much Does That Tooth Cost? ? My son is now at the age when the baby teeth start falling out. I forgot how exciting this event is for kids.

Div Guy @ The Dividend Guy Blog writes Dividend Growth eBook ? This is the most inexpensive and helpful guide on building a solid dividend portfolio. You?ll make your money back in minutes!

Super Saver @ My Wealth Builder writes My Simple Test for Financial Presenters ? While the presenter uses the seminar as opportunity establish personal contact, I use the seminar as an opportunity to evaluate the financial advisor and the products. Here is what I look for from a seminar presenter.

Daniel @ Sweating the Big Stuff writes Lifestyle Inflation ? What To Consider Before Telling Yourself Yes ? Thinking about upgrading your gadgets? Ask yourself these 5 questions before you take the plunge.

Corey @ 20s Finances writes Actual Cost of an iPhone 5 ? The iPhone 5 has hit the markets and is ready for consumers. Have you calculated how much it will cost you to own the iPhone 5?

Tushar @ Start Investing Money writes Investing in Egypt?s future ? With Europe and the USA facing huge economic challenges and barely registering any meaningful growth, investors around the world are looking more and more at alternative markets in which to place their capital.

CAPI @ Creating a Passive Income writes 5 Reasons why Passive Income is too Good to be True ? Are you thinking about focusing on passive income? While it is possible, don't ignore these warnings about passive income.

Wayne @ Young Family Finance writes Prepaid Cards ? The Perfect Gift? ? Are you looking for the perfect gift for someone? Whether it is for Christmas or for their birthday, you have many options. A few years ago, you were left with very few options. It was either a specific item that you made or purchased OR cash. That was it. Only a couple options.

Jennifer Lynn @ Broke-Ass Mommy writes The Saving Conundrum. Are Savers Financial Losers? ? Well are Savers also financial LOSERS? Read more to find out, perhaps you?ll be surprised!

krantcents @ KrantCents writes Plan for the Unexpected! ? What do you do when the unexpected happens? Things happen and you cannot do much about it. You cannot plan for every expense, but you can plan for the unexpected! You can set aside savings for the unexpected as an emergency fund. Things happen such as illness or your car breaks down.

Crystal @ Budgeting in the Fun Stuff writes Closing Costs for a New Home ? Here is Your Arm and Leg? ? We are closing on our new house in a couple of weeks. Here are our closing costs and what we will have left in our emergency fund.

Kanwal @ Simply Investing writes Which Company Has Increased Their Dividend Over 1000%? ? In late 2002 this stock was selling for about $15 to $18 a share, and the dividend was $0.19 per share. Remember a dividend is a cash payment made to all share holders. So if you bought 500 shares in this company back in 2002 for $15 each, you would receive $95 (500 shares x $0.19) in dividends just for owning those shares.

PPlan @ Provident Plan writes Does God Want You to Drive a Hybrid? ? Hybrid cars are becoming increasingly more affordable and popular. Find out why you should consider buying one.

Luke @ Learn Bonds writes Reading the Signs in the Current Bond Market ? Investors are currently facing difficult choices: lower their expectations and/or take more risk. Is this the solution?

A Blinkin @ Funancials writes How Can I Bet Against the Stock Market? ? How to bet against the stock market with put options, shorting stock and inverse ETFs.

Ray @ Squirrelers writes How Often Should You Check Stock Prices and Monitor Your Portfolio? ? There are many people who just can?t stop checking stock prices every day. The thing is, is it really a good idea for the average, everyday investor to be doing this?

Jason @ Work Save Live writes What Does Life Insurance Cover? 4 Ways to Help Your Legacy ? Today?s post will be a little different as I?m going to integrate video for the first time ever here on WSL! So, before you skip down to today?s post, please take 1 minute and watch the video below: What Does Life Insurance Cover?

Paul Vachon @ The Frugal Toad writes How to Save for a Home Down Payment ? If you are planning to buy a home, you know it takes a lot of money. However, it takes a lot of planning as well. Here are some things to consider when saving money for a home, and what you need to do to get your finances in order so that you can afford a home.

Eddie @ Finance Fox writes Saving Money on Home Renovations ? Increase the value of your home or just want to make your house more livable until the housing market bounces back, home renovations are the way to go

Tushar @ Finance TUBE writes Closing On Your First Home: What to Expect at the Closing Table ? Today we will talk about Closing on Your First Home: What to Expect at the Closing of your first home? Well it is such a huge investment and you might be wondering who would be represent at the Closing Table.

TRL @ The Retired Landlord writes Traits of a Profitable Rental Property ? Find out what makes a successful rental property more profitable than others. Knowing these three traits can make a huge difference.

Ashley @ Money Talks Coaching writes Too Hard To Save? ? On the way home from the bloggers conference I sat in the middle row between two guys.

Jamie @ Financial Footsteps writes Should you rent a furnished apartment? ? Moving your stuff isn?t easy. Are furnished apartments a better solution?

Jon the Saver @ Free Money Wisdom writes Protection for your Money ? Protection of money is not exactly a hot topic these days. Heck, most people don't even save their money! Use some fundamentals to ensure that your money stays safe.

Todd @ Financial Mentor writes The Essential Wealth Building Principle Revealed By Roth IRA Conversions (It?s Not What You Think!) ? Explains a unique and important wealth building principle using Roth IRA conversions as an example. Learn how you can accelerate your wealth plans?

Rich @ Growing Money Smart writes 401K Fight Club Rule #1 ? Always Take The Free Money Offered By Your Employer?s 401(k) Company Match! ? There is a pile of 401k match money sitting on a table with a sign that says ?Take me, free money?? So why aren?t you???


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