Monday, August 20, 2012

Br Jack's Preaching Ministry: Sharing Our Bread

"Come, eat of my food, and drink of the wine I have mixed!" Prv 9:5

Today's scriptures challenge us to re-imagine discipleship. In the book of Proverbs wisdom is a gracious hostess who creates a peaceful and welcoming environment and invites us to be ourselves in her presence, to sit at her table, to eat her food and drink her wine.

When in John's gospel Jesus becomes wisdom incarnate, the one who reminds us to feed the hungry even before eating ourselves, we realize that discipleship is more about being a host to others than preaching the Good News with words alone. We must become a people who live the Gospel in such a way that all can encounter the Christ dwelling among us through the Spirit.

While it will always be important to gather for worship every Sunday, unless the Eucharist moves us beyond prayer to action it will not have the power Jesus intends. Only when Christians spend their faith during the week doing justice for the forgotten and voiceless will people experience us as a living gospel.

Today, preach the gospel with your lives.

Who or what has helped you understand and live the life of a disciple?


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