Thursday, July 26, 2012

102: Communication Noise: Parental Communication ? MarlenLife's ...

Within looking at specific examples of how I would turn a moment of interaction/ communication with others, I can see how the positive and negative experiences that I have held toward people have been based upon whether the communication was suiting a particular preference/ ideal of a ?good time? or not.

The communication that goes on with our parents ?or the lack thereof ? defines one big chunk of our lives in relation to how we then perceive communication to be either a positive or a negative experience, which involves a set of factors that have to be clarified in order to see how much of our expression is actually tainted and conditioned by factors that go beyond a sheer compatibility aspect ? but involve familial, economic, social and cultural standards that are shaped according to ?how reality works? within this world system.


A point I?ll be walking is a particular way of communicating with my father with whom I spent less time with throughout my life in terms of engaging in conversations and having only specific moments/ events as patterns that repeated throughout our interaction when I was living with them at home.


Thus, within exposing the factors behind our communication the point is to see how the way we define a person in our reality is based on the bonds that are formed with them according to, in this case, familial bonds wherein the financial aspect of support is/ was dependent on.


Self Forgiveness

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to associate the communication with my father in the car as usual/ routinely and filled with complains, wherein I know that he will agree with me because of him being similar to myself which is how I have defined communication according to a format-like questionnaire based on survival-questions that lead to short answers that ensure we simply communicate ?what?s necessary? and avoid talking anything out of the usual: money, weather, traffic, work and school.


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to feel obliged to react positively to his question about me getting enough money to live throughout the week, which is how and why I would keep the communication in ?good stand? as this will ensure that I can continue getting his support as in being a ?good daughter? that is able to have a cordial relationship with their parents.


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to react negatively toward him ?always asking the same questions? wherein I am only wanting to have things ?go my way? in communication, while being annoyed because of having to explain myself and answering the same questions over and over again, apparently, which wasn?t really so as I was really only making a big deal out of it in my mind as unnecessary friction and conflict by sticking to the same pattern I would complain about, without realizing that I am in fact able and capable of stepping out of the usual script and establish a real point of communication with another, regardless of ?who they are? in my world.


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to initiate communication with my father based on experiencing a sense of tension and discomfort within myself, which is how I have compromised my communication toward others wherein I place them as certain characters that I depend on to survive and as such, I act according to how I have judged the characters as a ?necessity? in my reality ? which is how I created my own barriers to ever communicate with my father/ parents based on an equal and one relationship, as I always saw them as the ?authority? that I had to respect and keep a ?good standard? toward, just like a credit account relationship: you keep your account in ?good standing? in order to be able to get more credit/ be trust worthy in order to continue surviving in our world and reality.


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to create this point of compromise within myself which adds up to all the relationships in our world that are based on self-interest and in sustaining the same world-system wherein because of money and the relationships that are required in order to survive- in this case family-structure ? we compromise each other to deceive and manipulate in order to continue being supported and ?secured? in a world wherein that which is required to live is not given unconditionally.


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to get uncomfortable within remaining silent when being with another being in a car, which I have associated this with previous experiences wherein I would fear ending up in silence due to experiencing the same discomfort about it.


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that because we remained in silence I had to keep up a conversation out of fear of having ?nothing to say? and that I would be judged for having ?nothing to say,? which was only a belief and perception as I in fact am able to establish a point of communication openly once that I start seeing ?my parent?s as human beings that are able to communicate out of the format-like bounds of father/ mother characterization.


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to go into self judgment because of wishing I could have done something out of the routine to tell to another in means of creating a point of conversation, which is essentially a point of compromise out of fear of being seemingly ?detached? from the family/ not caring about them and as such, losing my father?s support to live.


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to use music as a positive solution in ?tense situations? wherein my decision to enjoy it or not would be based on whether I was feeling compromised in the moment or not in a moment of communication that I perceive being staged and ?format like? from the get go.


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to base an entire moment in my reality based on whether I was liking a particular type of music in order to define ?who I will be? within the communication according to whether I wanted to be complacent/ talkative or not ? within this I realize how I would place conditions as to ?who I am? according to my own interests and suiting the moment to benefit me at all times.


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to associate ?formal communication? as politeness that I was ?forced to? instead of it being my actual decision to interact with visitors at home, wherein I would immediately react with discomfort when being called out to interact with others, without realizing that in fact it was fear of being later on scolded if I didn?t comply to my mother?s desires.


I forgive myself that I accepted and allowed myself to create a grudge toward my mother for ?having forced me to do things,? without realizing that the moment that I accepted fear as a motivation to do so, I complied to her will and as such became a victim in my mind based on how I feared making my mother angry = losing my mother?s support at home.


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to judge the interaction with visitors as a negative experience based on my starting point for such interaction in the first place, wherein I went into a defense-mode just because of believing and perceiving that I was being ?dragged? into the communication without me in fact wanting and/ or being fully willing myself to interact with others unconditionally, but did it based on feeling obliged to, which is why and how I would create and project thoughts about others? experience toward the point of communication with myself.


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to create a negative experience toward my mother whenever visitors would come home because of remembering how I was always forced to go downstairs and interact ?against my will,? without realizing that I simply complied to participate every time out of fear, out of not wanting to be scolded and/ or exposed in front of the visitors as this ?ranch person? that does not like communicating with others.


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to then judge silence as a positive experience with my partners in the past based on the memory of how irritated and angry I would get when having to interact in ?forced communication? with others, without realizing that such enjoyment was a polarity experience to the past ? hence it wasn?t never really a positive experience, but only a counter part to a negative experience I?ve had in the past with my family members.


I forgive myself that I accepted and allowed myself for having chosen partners that were deliberately the type of opposite ?stereotypes? from the people that I knew my mother wanted me to end up with in a relationship, which became a spiteful pattern that had to be played out in secret, just because of how my mother would disapprove from the partners I had, which was both a negative experience for having to be hiding ? a positive experience based on how I would feel like I was finally ?rebelling? to the obliged experiences I went through with my mother, without realizing that I was then only acting and making decisions in spitefulness toward my mother and never in fact making an informed decision based on what is best for me to be and do within the consideration with whom it is best for me to establish a relationship with, without holding on the anti-stereotype of ideal partner in order to annoy my mother as I have realized how within wanting to spite my mother = I only ended up spiting myself.


I forgive myself that I accepted and allowed myself to deliberately play ?the silent one? when being out with my mother just because of knowing how she would always push me to communicate with people and enjoys talking, generally, which was who I was within the ?rebellious character? that held a huge grudge toward her because of not having ?approved? of the relationships I created in my life. Thus I became the ?rebel? just to prove her that I could do things ?my way? without requiring her permission, only later on realizing that because my starting point of such relationships was based on spitefulness = I ended up spiting myself.


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to create a point of ?positive experience? whenever I was able to establish communication with my father in a silent manner, which means for example: being able to ride in the car listening to music that we both liked, which would ensure a positive silent experience without realizing that in such moment, I was only keeping things ?okay? in order for us to not go into further points of communication that could turn out more insidious in terms of actually getting to know each other and as such, lose the ground of the format like communication between father and daughter


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to deliberately control a particular moment of interaction with another based on ?who they are? within my world as the character they represent in my reality, wherein I will then adjust, manipulate, shape and mold my expression in a way to ensure that my survival is not threatened, as I knew that if I presented myself as detached or even sharing myself too openly, I would have to take responsibility for my words and the consequences thereof.


Self Corrective Statements:

When and as I see myself deciding ?who I will be? in a point of communication according to who I perceive the other being to be as a particular character within my life/environment ? I stop and I breathe ? I realize that I am able to practically establish a point of communication to any other being based on common sense: the realization that we are human beings that live in the same world, facing the same consequences of our creation and as such, I see that communication in common sense as self support is the key to establish a point of awareness within myself and another of an actual way to interact and share that which is usually suppressed under shallow talk.


I commit myself to be and become the example of how communication can be established without holding any ?character? in place, but instead, establish a platform of self support for myself and another being regardless of ?who the being is? as I realize that the moment that I assess ?who? they are, limitations, barriers and obstacles are created in the mind according to what I have deemed as appropriate/ inappropriate to share with others. I establish myself as the point of unconditional expression in order to support myself and others to do the same and as such, practically change the way we interact with one another.


When and as I see myself manipulating my communication in order to get a positive experience and/ or remain in a ?good stand? toward the other person, I stop and I breathe ? I realize that I am able to in fact step out of the point of compromise through allowing myself to share and communicate openly, without fearing losing any form of support, as I realize that only a threat toward another could cause any form of conflict ? thus I realize that any fear that I had used in the past in order to not communicate with people in my family was only based on the ?fear? of ?who I am? toward them, which was manipulating, shaping and molding myself in order to not step out of character completely.


When and as I see myself deciding ?who I am? in a point of interaction with another based on wanting to be agreeable or distant in the moment to demonstrate my standing toward another being in that moment, I stop and I breathe ? I realize that the times that I remain quiet as self-suppression means that I am in fact not genuinely having ?nothing to say,? but that I am deliberately suppressing myself because of fear of exposing myself, fear of establishing communication with another ?out of the usual script,? which is how I had bound myself to remain as a locked-door at all times, simply because of believing that my very life would be ?at risk? if I would enable me to be open and sharing in an equal manner toward other beings.


When and as I see myself experiencing tension when remaining silent during a conversation, I stop and I breathe ? I realize that this is not real silence then, but self-suppressive silence that I can open up for myself in order to see how and why I have manipulated myself and within that realize that the point of correction is not to remain silent out of fear or deliberate self-suppression, but is instead direct myself to speak in the moment according to that which emerges in common sense from within me that I find it cool to share in/as self support.


When and as I see myself deliberately hiding to not face people in my environment in order to avoid communication, I stop and I breathe ? I realize that I have created such a resistance based on the idea, belief and perception that ?I must interact with them,? which is stemming from the memory of my mother asking me to do this when I was a child.


When and as I see myself feeling compelled to speak, I stop and I breathe ? I realize that this is a usual mechanism of self-manipulation wherein I am in fact not being self directive as in making the decision to live, but I am in fact only wanting to restrict myself to a certain type of communication with another from the starting point of reaction.


When and as I see myself being forced/ dragged along to communicate ? I stop and I breathe ? I realize that this is a mechanism wherein I am only manipulating myself to interact with others based on the belief that ?others made me do it,? as if I had not the voice and ability to decide who I am going to be communicating with and clearing the starting point of it at all times.


When and as I see myself categorizing silence as a form of communication based on having suppressed an actual point of expression in fear of ?getting out of character,? I stop and I breath, I realize that the point of enjoyment of such silence stems from us actually playing out the same ?silent character? wherein we only talk the necessary and prefer to ?be silent in our minds? instead of sharing our self-experience, our day today living circumstances, as I realize that communication is the key to get to know ourselves and others in order to become effective within all that we do.


When and as I see myself imprinting a particular character to my communication, such as being the ?daughter,? or being the ?rebellious? one, I stop and I breathe ? I realize that who we are as human beings are able to care for one another without having to play a character in someone?s mind in order to exist.


This is to realize how instead of having allowed myself to communicate myself unconditionally, I simply became pliable and manipulated myself in order to ensure that my survival ? in this case financial support by my father ? was not able to be disturbed/ damaged if I would establish a point of communication in equality, because of an underlying fear and limitation wherein I believed that I could not possibly communicate in equality with my father, because of having placed him as ?my authority? and as such, I had to tip toe around our communication, keeping it ?safe? in order to not create any ?unnecessary? friction or conflict, without realizing that in this I simply refrained myself from being able to establish a point of equality with my father which is in fact a possibility to establish once that I have directed myself to talk to both of them as equals, outside of the father/ mother relationship I had caged them into.


I realize how communication is limited and restricted by oneself whenever there are other interests and familial aspects existing as a character limitation that is defined according to how we have built our societal hierarchies between parents and children, wherein we bind ourselves to only see another person as a character in our own life-schemes instead of considering them as one and equal.


I see, realize and understand that we will be able to in fact communicate as equals when and as we realize that the family system only exists as another form of compromise and enslavement to keep a system of hierarchy in place ? therefore within establishing beings in an equal and one stance toward one another, we see that we are in fact able to become much more than just characters surviving each other in the old-familiar ways and instead, get to know ourselves as who we really are, as beings that are able to instead practically establish solutions for our accepted and allowed ?differences? and as such, become part of the new way of living on Earth.


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Equal Money System so that our relationships and communication won?t ever be tainted by a relationship of survival any longer.


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