Thursday, July 26, 2012

102: Communication Noise: Parental Communication ? MarlenLife's ...

Within looking at specific examples of how I would turn a moment of interaction/ communication with others, I can see how the positive and negative experiences that I have held toward people have been based upon whether the communication was suiting a particular preference/ ideal of a ?good time? or not.

The communication that goes on with our parents ?or the lack thereof ? defines one big chunk of our lives in relation to how we then perceive communication to be either a positive or a negative experience, which involves a set of factors that have to be clarified in order to see how much of our expression is actually tainted and conditioned by factors that go beyond a sheer compatibility aspect ? but involve familial, economic, social and cultural standards that are shaped according to ?how reality works? within this world system.


A point I?ll be walking is a particular way of communicating with my father with whom I spent less time with throughout my life in terms of engaging in conversations and having only specific moments/ events as patterns that repeated throughout our interaction when I was living with them at home.


Thus, within exposing the factors behind our communication the point is to see how the way we define a person in our reality is based on the bonds that are formed with them according to, in this case, familial bonds wherein the financial aspect of support is/ was dependent on.


Self Forgiveness

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to associate the communication with my father in the car as usual/ routinely and filled with complains, wherein I know that he will agree with me because of him being similar to myself which is how I have defined communication according to a format-like questionnaire based on survival-questions that lead to short answers that ensure we simply communicate ?what?s necessary? and avoid talking anything out of the usual: money, weather, traffic, work and school.


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to feel obliged to react positively to his question about me getting enough money to live throughout the week, which is how and why I would keep the communication in ?good stand? as this will ensure that I can continue getting his support as in being a ?good daughter? that is able to have a cordial relationship with their parents.


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to react negatively toward him ?always asking the same questions? wherein I am only wanting to have things ?go my way? in communication, while being annoyed because of having to explain myself and answering the same questions over and over again, apparently, which wasn?t really so as I was really only making a big deal out of it in my mind as unnecessary friction and conflict by sticking to the same pattern I would complain about, without realizing that I am in fact able and capable of stepping out of the usual script and establish a real point of communication with another, regardless of ?who they are? in my world.


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to initiate communication with my father based on experiencing a sense of tension and discomfort within myself, which is how I have compromised my communication toward others wherein I place them as certain characters that I depend on to survive and as such, I act according to how I have judged the characters as a ?necessity? in my reality ? which is how I created my own barriers to ever communicate with my father/ parents based on an equal and one relationship, as I always saw them as the ?authority? that I had to respect and keep a ?good standard? toward, just like a credit account relationship: you keep your account in ?good standing? in order to be able to get more credit/ be trust worthy in order to continue surviving in our world and reality.


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to create this point of compromise within myself which adds up to all the relationships in our world that are based on self-interest and in sustaining the same world-system wherein because of money and the relationships that are required in order to survive- in this case family-structure ? we compromise each other to deceive and manipulate in order to continue being supported and ?secured? in a world wherein that which is required to live is not given unconditionally.


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to get uncomfortable within remaining silent when being with another being in a car, which I have associated this with previous experiences wherein I would fear ending up in silence due to experiencing the same discomfort about it.


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that because we remained in silence I had to keep up a conversation out of fear of having ?nothing to say? and that I would be judged for having ?nothing to say,? which was only a belief and perception as I in fact am able to establish a point of communication openly once that I start seeing ?my parent?s as human beings that are able to communicate out of the format-like bounds of father/ mother characterization.


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to go into self judgment because of wishing I could have done something out of the routine to tell to another in means of creating a point of conversation, which is essentially a point of compromise out of fear of being seemingly ?detached? from the family/ not caring about them and as such, losing my father?s support to live.


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to use music as a positive solution in ?tense situations? wherein my decision to enjoy it or not would be based on whether I was feeling compromised in the moment or not in a moment of communication that I perceive being staged and ?format like? from the get go.


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to base an entire moment in my reality based on whether I was liking a particular type of music in order to define ?who I will be? within the communication according to whether I wanted to be complacent/ talkative or not ? within this I realize how I would place conditions as to ?who I am? according to my own interests and suiting the moment to benefit me at all times.


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to associate ?formal communication? as politeness that I was ?forced to? instead of it being my actual decision to interact with visitors at home, wherein I would immediately react with discomfort when being called out to interact with others, without realizing that in fact it was fear of being later on scolded if I didn?t comply to my mother?s desires.


I forgive myself that I accepted and allowed myself to create a grudge toward my mother for ?having forced me to do things,? without realizing that the moment that I accepted fear as a motivation to do so, I complied to her will and as such became a victim in my mind based on how I feared making my mother angry = losing my mother?s support at home.


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to judge the interaction with visitors as a negative experience based on my starting point for such interaction in the first place, wherein I went into a defense-mode just because of believing and perceiving that I was being ?dragged? into the communication without me in fact wanting and/ or being fully willing myself to interact with others unconditionally, but did it based on feeling obliged to, which is why and how I would create and project thoughts about others? experience toward the point of communication with myself.


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to create a negative experience toward my mother whenever visitors would come home because of remembering how I was always forced to go downstairs and interact ?against my will,? without realizing that I simply complied to participate every time out of fear, out of not wanting to be scolded and/ or exposed in front of the visitors as this ?ranch person? that does not like communicating with others.


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to then judge silence as a positive experience with my partners in the past based on the memory of how irritated and angry I would get when having to interact in ?forced communication? with others, without realizing that such enjoyment was a polarity experience to the past ? hence it wasn?t never really a positive experience, but only a counter part to a negative experience I?ve had in the past with my family members.


I forgive myself that I accepted and allowed myself for having chosen partners that were deliberately the type of opposite ?stereotypes? from the people that I knew my mother wanted me to end up with in a relationship, which became a spiteful pattern that had to be played out in secret, just because of how my mother would disapprove from the partners I had, which was both a negative experience for having to be hiding ? a positive experience based on how I would feel like I was finally ?rebelling? to the obliged experiences I went through with my mother, without realizing that I was then only acting and making decisions in spitefulness toward my mother and never in fact making an informed decision based on what is best for me to be and do within the consideration with whom it is best for me to establish a relationship with, without holding on the anti-stereotype of ideal partner in order to annoy my mother as I have realized how within wanting to spite my mother = I only ended up spiting myself.


I forgive myself that I accepted and allowed myself to deliberately play ?the silent one? when being out with my mother just because of knowing how she would always push me to communicate with people and enjoys talking, generally, which was who I was within the ?rebellious character? that held a huge grudge toward her because of not having ?approved? of the relationships I created in my life. Thus I became the ?rebel? just to prove her that I could do things ?my way? without requiring her permission, only later on realizing that because my starting point of such relationships was based on spitefulness = I ended up spiting myself.


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to create a point of ?positive experience? whenever I was able to establish communication with my father in a silent manner, which means for example: being able to ride in the car listening to music that we both liked, which would ensure a positive silent experience without realizing that in such moment, I was only keeping things ?okay? in order for us to not go into further points of communication that could turn out more insidious in terms of actually getting to know each other and as such, lose the ground of the format like communication between father and daughter


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to deliberately control a particular moment of interaction with another based on ?who they are? within my world as the character they represent in my reality, wherein I will then adjust, manipulate, shape and mold my expression in a way to ensure that my survival is not threatened, as I knew that if I presented myself as detached or even sharing myself too openly, I would have to take responsibility for my words and the consequences thereof.


Self Corrective Statements:

When and as I see myself deciding ?who I will be? in a point of communication according to who I perceive the other being to be as a particular character within my life/environment ? I stop and I breathe ? I realize that I am able to practically establish a point of communication to any other being based on common sense: the realization that we are human beings that live in the same world, facing the same consequences of our creation and as such, I see that communication in common sense as self support is the key to establish a point of awareness within myself and another of an actual way to interact and share that which is usually suppressed under shallow talk.


I commit myself to be and become the example of how communication can be established without holding any ?character? in place, but instead, establish a platform of self support for myself and another being regardless of ?who the being is? as I realize that the moment that I assess ?who? they are, limitations, barriers and obstacles are created in the mind according to what I have deemed as appropriate/ inappropriate to share with others. I establish myself as the point of unconditional expression in order to support myself and others to do the same and as such, practically change the way we interact with one another.


When and as I see myself manipulating my communication in order to get a positive experience and/ or remain in a ?good stand? toward the other person, I stop and I breathe ? I realize that I am able to in fact step out of the point of compromise through allowing myself to share and communicate openly, without fearing losing any form of support, as I realize that only a threat toward another could cause any form of conflict ? thus I realize that any fear that I had used in the past in order to not communicate with people in my family was only based on the ?fear? of ?who I am? toward them, which was manipulating, shaping and molding myself in order to not step out of character completely.


When and as I see myself deciding ?who I am? in a point of interaction with another based on wanting to be agreeable or distant in the moment to demonstrate my standing toward another being in that moment, I stop and I breathe ? I realize that the times that I remain quiet as self-suppression means that I am in fact not genuinely having ?nothing to say,? but that I am deliberately suppressing myself because of fear of exposing myself, fear of establishing communication with another ?out of the usual script,? which is how I had bound myself to remain as a locked-door at all times, simply because of believing that my very life would be ?at risk? if I would enable me to be open and sharing in an equal manner toward other beings.


When and as I see myself experiencing tension when remaining silent during a conversation, I stop and I breathe ? I realize that this is not real silence then, but self-suppressive silence that I can open up for myself in order to see how and why I have manipulated myself and within that realize that the point of correction is not to remain silent out of fear or deliberate self-suppression, but is instead direct myself to speak in the moment according to that which emerges in common sense from within me that I find it cool to share in/as self support.


When and as I see myself deliberately hiding to not face people in my environment in order to avoid communication, I stop and I breathe ? I realize that I have created such a resistance based on the idea, belief and perception that ?I must interact with them,? which is stemming from the memory of my mother asking me to do this when I was a child.


When and as I see myself feeling compelled to speak, I stop and I breathe ? I realize that this is a usual mechanism of self-manipulation wherein I am in fact not being self directive as in making the decision to live, but I am in fact only wanting to restrict myself to a certain type of communication with another from the starting point of reaction.


When and as I see myself being forced/ dragged along to communicate ? I stop and I breathe ? I realize that this is a mechanism wherein I am only manipulating myself to interact with others based on the belief that ?others made me do it,? as if I had not the voice and ability to decide who I am going to be communicating with and clearing the starting point of it at all times.


When and as I see myself categorizing silence as a form of communication based on having suppressed an actual point of expression in fear of ?getting out of character,? I stop and I breath, I realize that the point of enjoyment of such silence stems from us actually playing out the same ?silent character? wherein we only talk the necessary and prefer to ?be silent in our minds? instead of sharing our self-experience, our day today living circumstances, as I realize that communication is the key to get to know ourselves and others in order to become effective within all that we do.


When and as I see myself imprinting a particular character to my communication, such as being the ?daughter,? or being the ?rebellious? one, I stop and I breathe ? I realize that who we are as human beings are able to care for one another without having to play a character in someone?s mind in order to exist.


This is to realize how instead of having allowed myself to communicate myself unconditionally, I simply became pliable and manipulated myself in order to ensure that my survival ? in this case financial support by my father ? was not able to be disturbed/ damaged if I would establish a point of communication in equality, because of an underlying fear and limitation wherein I believed that I could not possibly communicate in equality with my father, because of having placed him as ?my authority? and as such, I had to tip toe around our communication, keeping it ?safe? in order to not create any ?unnecessary? friction or conflict, without realizing that in this I simply refrained myself from being able to establish a point of equality with my father which is in fact a possibility to establish once that I have directed myself to talk to both of them as equals, outside of the father/ mother relationship I had caged them into.


I realize how communication is limited and restricted by oneself whenever there are other interests and familial aspects existing as a character limitation that is defined according to how we have built our societal hierarchies between parents and children, wherein we bind ourselves to only see another person as a character in our own life-schemes instead of considering them as one and equal.


I see, realize and understand that we will be able to in fact communicate as equals when and as we realize that the family system only exists as another form of compromise and enslavement to keep a system of hierarchy in place ? therefore within establishing beings in an equal and one stance toward one another, we see that we are in fact able to become much more than just characters surviving each other in the old-familiar ways and instead, get to know ourselves as who we really are, as beings that are able to instead practically establish solutions for our accepted and allowed ?differences? and as such, become part of the new way of living on Earth.


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Top Tips For Budget Family Holidays In Poland | Hostel 333

Winter holidays are an excellent way to get through those cold winter months. After all, what better way is there to survive the ice and snow than by embracing it, sometimes literally. There are a wide variety of activities which are great for this season including skiing, snowboarding, snowshoeing, cross-country skiing and dog-sledding. Fantastic resorts will allow you to participate in all these great pursuits.

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Indeed, there are several ways to save on your family holidays in poland. You just have to do your homework and be prepared to make small sacrifices. After all, you don?t need luxury accommodations or gourmet dining to make your vacation complete. What matters most is that you get to spend time with your family in one of the best European tourist destinations.

For those who want to travel further afield and sample some of the culture and traditions of other countries, there is a bewildering range of options from detox to retreats to nutrition centres. Detox centres have become extremely popular, and can be found on the internet ? from Thailand to Poland to Africa to the Canaries, there are resorts that specialise in cleansing regimes that are intended to leave you rejuvenated and refreshed. If you want something a little less rigorous, then check out places like Tunisia for thalassotherapy centres ? indulge yourself with a full body massage combined with facial and nail packages at a very reasonable price.

Regent Holidays are specialists in providing quality city breaks to Krakow as well as other tours and holidays in poland. Contact us today and speak to one of our travel experts to book or to find out more.

An example is found amongst some snowboarders who often feel that the whole of the Alpine region is dedicated to skiers, but of course there are far more skiers than boarders and just about every ski area has dedicated snow parks with half pipes and all the other constructions that give the boarder their thrills. Of course your holiday specialist will find you that ideal holiday in areas which specialise for boarders such as Avoriaz which offers a good mix of both purpose designed parks and natural attractions, it even has a rare special area for child ?boarders called Village Snowboard which is reserved exclusively for kids aged 6 to 16 at all levels.

I have worked continually around the world in the holiday industry for the last 9 years in the greatest ski resorts in existence, from Whistler, Canada to the 3 Valleys in the French Alps and Zermatt in Switzerland. There is no doubt that the resorts in these places top anything else which is available at a lower price. Herein lies the key however. Of course if money were no object we would all be putting our feet up on a first class plane ticket to Vancouver this February for 3 weeks stay in the Presidential Suite at the Chateau Whistler. Or taking a private helicopter or jet to the famous airstrip in Courchevel 1850 to stay at Roman Abramovich?s latest purchase the Byblos des Neiges.

If you choose any of these reputed holiday home operators for this group family holidays package, you can qualify to obtain some attractive conveniences as well as facilities. These types of facilities are offered due to the fact that you get promoted to the status of a privileged customer. Holiday home operators have recognised the often repeated maxim that one satisfied or delighted customer would bring many others with them due to positive word of mouth referral and publicity. They are therefore willing to go the extra mile to meet customer requirements and even exceed them through their prompt customer service and added benefits.

Gdansk is situated at the mouth of the Mottawa River and the Baltic Sea. It is the fourth largest city in Poland. There is a real Dutch feel about the place and this can be explained by the fact that much of the architecture was created by builders from Flanders and the Netherlands. This has traditionally been the most important port on the Baltic Sea. It has changed hands between Germany and Poland on many occasions; the Germans refer to the city as Danzig. The city is also credited with being the birthplace of the Polish Solidarity movement which help end communism in Poland and nearby countries.

Cheap holidays don?t have to mean a lack of luxury. One of the best ways to keep costs to a minimum is by finding a clean and simple hotel just outside of a city at a price that will leave some leftover spending money for evenings out. Galicya Hotel, for example, is a short tram ride from Krakow?s bustling centre and is priced below more central hotels despite being a lovely base for a visit to the city.

Decorating is so much fun and adds a lot to the holiday season. Zakopane hostels are smart and comfortable and are located close to the ski slopes.
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Identifying the arrogant boss

ScienceDaily (July 25, 2012) ? Arrogant bosses can drain the bottom line because they are typically poor performers who cover up their insecurities by disparaging subordinates, leading to organizational dysfunction and employee turnover.

A new measure of arrogance, developed by researchers at The University of Akron and Michigan State University, can help organizations identify arrogant managers before they have a costly and damaging impact.

The Workplace Arrogance Scale (WARS) will be presented at the American Psychological Association convention in Orlando on Aug. 2 by industrial and organizational psychologist and professor Stanley Silverman, dean of UA's Summit College and University College.

What is arrogance covering up?

Arrogance is characterized by a pattern of behavior that demeans others in an attempt to prove competence and superiority. Silverman says this behavior is correlated with lower intelligence scores and lower self-esteem when compared to managers who are not arrogant.

"Does your boss demonstrate different behaviors with subordinates and supervisors?" Silverman asks. He says a "yes" answer could mean trouble. Silverman warns that "yes" replies to these other questions raise red flags and signal arrogance.

  • Does your boss put his/her personal agenda ahead of the organization's agenda?
  • Does the boss discredit others' ideas during meetings and often make them look bad?
  • Does your boss reject constructive feedback?
  • Does the boss exaggerate his/her superiority and make others feel inferior?

Silverman and his colleagues Russell Johnson, assistant professor of management at the Eli Broad College of Business at Michigan State University, and Nicole McConnell and Alison Carr, both Ph.D. students in The University of Akron's Industrial and Organizational Psychology program, published details of the Workplace Arrogance Scale in the July 2012 issue of The Industrial-Organizational Psychologist.

Effect on morale

Left unchecked, arrogant leaders can be a destructive force within an organization, notes Silverman. With power over their employees' work assignments, promotion opportunities and performance reviews, arrogant bosses put subordinates in a helpless position. They do not mentor junior colleagues nor do they motivate a team to benefit the organization as a whole, contributing to a negative social workplace atmosphere.

Silverman says that arrogance is less a personality trait than a series of behaviors, which can be addressed through coaching if the arrogant boss is willing to change. He recommends that organizations incorporate an assessment of arrogance into the employee review and performance management process.

Silverman emphasizes that cultivating humility among leaders and promoting a learning-oriented work climate go far in reducing arrogance and increasing productive leadership and employee social interaction.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by University of Akron.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Stanley B. Silverman, Russell E. Johnson, Nicole McConnell and Alison Carr. Arrogance: A Formula for Leadership Failure. The Industrial-Organizational Psychologist, July 2012 [link]

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Russell Brand charged in New Orleans over iPhone toss

NEW ORLEANS (Reuters) - British comedian and actor Russell Brand faced up to six months in prison on Wednesday when he was charged with a misdemeanor in New Orleans for throwing a photographer's iPhone through a window.

The "Get Him to the Greek" film star was scheduled to be arraigned on Thursday before Judge Sean Early, according to New Orleans Municipal Court spokesman Baptiste Souquet. It was unclear if Brand would be in the courtroom, or whether his attorney would be allowed to enter a plea on his behalf.

New Orleans police arrested the Brand on March 15 after a photographer accused the comedian of grabbing his iPhone and tossing it through a window, breaking the glass in a downtown law office.

Bail was set at $5,000 for Brand and he was released shortly after his arrest.

Brand's New Orleans lawyer, Robert Glass, could not be reached for comment on Wednesday.

District attorney's office spokesman Christopher Bowman said Brand was charged with one count of misdemeanor criminal damage to property.

The charge of simple criminal damage to property valued under $500 carries a potential penalty of up to six months in prison and/or a $500 fine. People familiar with similar cases say it is unlikely Brand, if convicted, will face jail time.

This is not Brand's first brush with the law. In 2010, he was arrested for an alleged attack on a paparazzo at a Los Angeles airport, and last year, he was deported from Japan over his criminal history when he tried to visit his then-wife Katy Perry on her concert tour in the country.

(Reporting By Kathy Finn; Editing by Bob Tourtellotte and Leslie Gevirtz)


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What To Pack For A Cruise : Article Feeder Blog

Going on a cruise is unquestionably an amazing experience. There are numerous items that will definitely make you happy whenever you go on a cruise. Being on a boat that has all the modern luxuries and visiting exotic places make sure that you will truly have a blast. This is the main reason why many people save up for many years in order to be able to have the funds for a trip on a cruise. Due to the hard work which you put in, you really should prepare for your cruise properly. This means packing everything that you need. This ranges from medicines, clothes to great mens shavers just like the 3d electric razor 1250x or the Panasonic ES-LA93-K. Here are a few of the things you should not forget about to bring along when you are on a cruise.


For those who have a special condition, it is strongly advised that you pack sufficient medicine for the cruise. Even if you do not need it, it is still better to pack it just safe. For example, if you are diabetic, then you?ve got to bring enough insulin to last you the entire trip. Do not think you can just buy wherever when you run out. Running this risk is not a smart move.


Just be sure you pack enough clothes for the appropriate weather of your destination. Should your cruise takes you to tropical destinations, you then should pack ample tropical clothes. Shorts, light shirts and sandals are the attire of choice. Just bring an additional pair of pants and winter clothes to put on when you return home.


A big part of a cruise is visiting distinctive countries. So that you can maximize your your travel experience, you must load up a guidebook to read up on the next island you will be visiting. Read the guidebook while you?re in between islands. This will be a great way to pass time and you?ll fully maximize your visit once the cruise reaches the island.

Memory cards

For those who have a camera, it?s highly expected that you?ll be taking a lot of pics in the cruise. So as to make sure that you do not lose any significant record of your experience, you should bring enough memory cards. Each time you fill up a card with pics, you can just load up another card. When you return home, you can evaluate the pics and have a terrific time.

Electric shavers

As a way to look your very best every single day, it is strongly advised that you carry quality mens shavers. This can ensure you will be able to shave your stubble every day and look great through the entire cruise.

These are several of the basic things you need to bring along for a cruise. It?s a good idea to make a check list so that you shouldn?t overlook any of these items. When it comes to mens shavers, you might want to think about taking with you among those mobile units just like the Panasonic ES-LA93 or the Philips Norelco 1250 as these two are lightweight, really convenient, and they?re cordless too.


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Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Most blogged artists: Bat For Lashes, Freelance Whales

"Laura", the first release from October album The Haunted Man, makes Bat For Lashes the highest new entry on The Hype Machine's most blogged artists chart for July 25.

"It will probably remind you of old Cat Power where the emotion (read: it's sooo depressing) is so extreme your heart might ache for hours afterwards," enthuses music blog RCRD LBL.

"Khan's biggest talent lies in creating heartbreaking ballads," explains All Things Go. "The accompanying video is even more evocative, pairing a wide-eyed Khan with an aging drag queen. It is rare that a video both literally and successfully illustrates its track, but Khan seems to have mastered that skill as well. Is there anything she can't do?"

Freelance Whales is another act returning with news of an October album release, Diluvia, and the free single "Locked Out" indicates something of the band's new direction.

Expectant listeners can look forward to "the band's refreshed sound through its expanded incorporation of electronics, along with the theme of outward excursions," writes Earmilk.

The Hype Machine's most?blogged artists on July 25 at 9:00 am GMT:

01. Two Door Cinema Club (no change)
02. Bat For Lashes (re-entry)
03. Sbtrkt (+2)
04. Flying Lotus Feat. Earl Sweatshirt &?Captain Murphy (+4)
05. The XX (+3)
06. Menomena (no change)
07. Stars (no change)
08. Tyler, The Creator X Toro Y Moi (+1)
09. Rick Ross (+1)
10. Freelance Whales (new entry)

Launched in 2005, The Hype Machine aggregates information from more than 1,000 music blogs worldwide. Known for identifying up-and-coming artists, the site enables music fans to easily find out what music is hot in the blogosphere and to instantly hear and buy mp3s.

Listen to "Laura":?


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Man jailed over nude Mugabe cartoon freed by court

A Zimbabwean man was freed after being detained since April for having cartoons on his cell phone that showed a bony-looking Robert Mugabe in the nude, his lawyers said Wednesday.

Benias Gwenhamo Madhakasi, who works as a street vendor in South Africa, was arrested at the Beit Bridge border post on April 29 on charges of insulting or undermining the authority of the president.

He was denied bail and held in custody until Tuesday, when a magistrate tossed out the case, said Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights, which represented Madhakasi.

"Prosecutors claimed that Madhakasi was found in possession of skeletal nude pictures portraying President Mugabe in his mobile phone handset," the lawyers said in a statement.

One of the pictures had a caption which read, "Happy 87th birthday Robert Mugabe," the prosecutors said.

Mugabe, who turned 88 in February, is Africa's oldest ruler.

Beit Bridge magistrate Auxillia Chiumburu dismissed the case as "a fishing expedition", after police changed the charges to immigration violations.

There are regular reports of arrests for slandering Zimbabwe's long-time president and breaching the strict Public Order and Security Act.

Usually those found guilty receive light jail sentences, fines or are ordered to do community service.


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Tuesday, July 24, 2012

1st US spacewoman, Sally Ride, pushed frontiers

CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) ? Sally Ride loved everything about space. What she didn't like was being the first American woman to experience it.

It took years ? if not decades ? for her to get comfortable with her galactic status.

What drew her out was her San Diego-based education company, Sally Ride Science, which promotes science and math careers for girls and young women. She was determined to give back and she did, a thousand times over before her death of pancreatic cancer on Monday at age 61.

Ride burst onto the public stage when NASA chose her to be the nation's first woman in space.

With her catchy space-flying name and rock-solid science credentials, Ride inspired females the world over with her historic shuttle flight in 1983, five years after she and five other women gained entry to NASA's exclusively male astronaut club.

Some of those girls who looked up to Ride, way back when, went on to become astronauts themselves. Ride, a physicist, proved that women could be equal partners in space and that they, too, could aspire to such heights.

Ride was intensely private, though, and spurned the news media.

Her astronaut ex-husband, Steve Hawley, recalled Monday how she found herself "a very public persona," and "it was a role in which she was never fully comfortable."

"While she never enjoyed being a celebrity, she recognized that it gave her the opportunity to encourage children, particularly young girls, to reach their full potential," Hawley said in a statement.

In all, Ride flew just twice in space, both times aboard Challenger. A third shot at orbit vanished when the Challenger blew up. She found herself investigating the 1986 launch accident and in 2003 was back on a presidential panel looking into Columbia's destruction during its trip back to Earth, the echoes, as she put it, coming in loud and clear.

She lamented the fact that on the 20th anniversary of her record-breaking spaceflight, she was presiding over yet another shuttle tragedy.

Yet she said she'd jump at the chance to fly again on a shuttle, even after such horrific events, provided she could skip all the hard work that went into a mission.

There were times, though, that she wished she hadn't been first. Her female astronaut colleagues back then said they were glad it wasn't them.

The scrutiny, in and outside NASA, was off the scale. Ride was bombarded with sexist questions by reporters before her maiden voyage.

One newsman asked whether Ride wept when things went wrong. Another reporter asked if she planned to have children, and another wondered if she'd wear a bra in space. "There is no sag in zero-g," she replied.

At one point, Ride complained, "It's too bad this society isn't further along and this is still such a big deal."

She refused this reporter's request for an interview on the 10-year anniversary of her flight, but accepted a chance at reminiscing on the 20th.

"It was a huge honor," Ride said in an interview with The Associated Press in 2003. "On the other hand, it sure did complicate things. I'm the sort of person who likes to be able to just walk into the supermarket and not be recognized. I can do that most of the time now."

"A lot of people recognize the name. Very few recognize my face. That's very good," she said, laughing. "That is very good."

Ride was encouraging and highly supportive when astronaut Eileen Collins became the first female shuttle pilot and, consequently, commander back in the 1990s.

Collins was among the young women inspired by Ride's courageous journey and, like so many others, were stunned to learn of her death.

"Sally left us too soon," Collins said in a statement put out by NASA. "God Speed Sally, you will be greatly missed."



Sally Ride Science:


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Monday, July 23, 2012

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Co-operative parenting after separation; from family court to - Blogs

It is approaching time for me to have a rest from blogging for a few weeks and so this will be my last comment until September. Before I head off however I thought it might be useful to consider where we are in the process of change, who is onside and who is not and what the challenges might be ahead of us.

I was alerted to the potential for ongoing struggle by the letter to David Cameron from Alan Beith MP this week. Chair of the Justice Committee, Sir Alan decided that the Prime Minister should be reminded of the decisions that the Justice Committee Report on The operation of the Family Courts had actually made. Focused entirely upon the Justice Committee?s opposition to the insertion of a legislative statement into the Children Act 1989, Sir Alan goes on in his letter to say

?In coming to this conclusion we heard evidence from a number of organisations on both sides of the debate. Like the Family Justice Review, we concluded that the idea of promoting shared parenting by changing the wording of the Children Act 1989 was seriously flawed.?

Alan Beith goes on to list ten points which he feels is enough evidence to ensure that the government should change track on its intention to change the children act. He also says that

?We have yet to be provided with any evidence or argument that properly counters the evidence we and the Family Justice Review considered before concluding that there should be no changes to the current legislation.?

and goes on to say

?We do not consider that the current draft clauses avoid the pitfalls of the Australian experience?.?

Which makes Sir Alan sound pretty darned certain that he has got his facts right and like someone who is on a mission to press home a point or two. Am I the only one who at this point, begins to smell a rat?

On May 2nd 2012, Professor Patrick Parkinson from the University of Sydney, gave a presentation at the Palace of Westminster at a seminar organised by the Centre for Social Justice. Entitled ?Meaningful Reform to The Children Act 1989 ? Learning from the Australian Experience? this presentation takes the controversy over the proposed changes to the children act in the UK and addresses each of the points of concern with careful consideration.

It should be noted that Professor Parkinson is no light weight in this arena and significantly, he does not approach this issue from the perspective of fathers rights or mothers rights. Professor Parkinson is a specialist in family law and child protection and is well-known in Australia for his work concerning child protection. This is a man who knows what is necessary to protect children from harm, he is a man who has had extensive knowledge of the family law changes in Australia and, having heard him speak on a previous occasion, I can comfortably say that he is a man who has a grasp of all of the issues facing families going through separation.

Professor Parkinson gave a measured presentation on May 2nd, in which he discussed the Norgrove review and its ?heavy reliance? upon the Australian experience. Professor Parkinson?s drew attention to the evidence that Norgrove used in his report to justify backtracking from his original proposal that there should be change within the children act. Evidence which came from Australia according to Norgrove who writes in the final report -

?We have also been particularly struck by further evidence, received from Australia, where a similar provision for a ?meaningful relationship? was made in their 2006 family law reforms. Evidence has shown increased litigation and that the change has contributed to damage to children because the term ?meaningful? has come to be measured in terms of the quantity of time spent with each parent, rather than the quality of the relationship for the child.?

Professor Parkinson?s response to this paragraph, in his presentation, was as follows -

?The problem with this statement is that it simply cannot be supported by any available evidence. Indeed, as far as litigation rates are concerned the evidence is completely to the contrary. There has actually been a sharp fall in litigation over children since 2006.?

Which not only makes a mockery of the Family Justice Review version but deals neatly with the core arguments in Alan Beith?s letter to the Prime Minister which are that more parents not fewer, will end up in the family courts if there is a change to the children act.

Now I might be slightly over suspicious but whenever an MP or a member of the House of Lords writes to the Prime Minister or the Guardian on matters to do with family separation, I always wonder whether what the motivating force is behind it. Sir Alan has every right of course to write to the Prime Minister and, if he so wishes, make that public in order to ensure that the debate is transparent. However, there are some powerful advocacy services in this country, not all of them using entirely straightforward means to push their arguments home. If the motivation behind Sir Alan?s letter has the slightest whiff of gingerbread about it, transparency might be the last thing achieved.

Professor Parkinson was explicit in his presentation about Gingerbread and the way in which they have (mis)represented the issue of changing the children act. Speaking about the Gingerbread argument that any such change would be the thin end of the wedge, he said that -

?thin end of the wedge arguments need to be evaluated on their merits. If that is a concern, then it could be dealt with by inserting a sentence in the legislation to the effect that the law provides no presumption either in favour of or against a shared parenting arrangement, as is done in other jurisdictions.?

As Gingerbread are currently involved in efforts to mobilise a coalition against co-operative/shared parenting, I somehow doubt that Professor Parkinson?s helpful suggestion will be taken on board. I foresee a growing movement against shared parenting appearing this autumn, spear-headed by Gingerbread and making use of MP?s and members of the House of Lords, using the same mass lobbying tactics employed over changes to Child Maintenance. Gingerbread may tell us, in pursuit of funding, that they support co-operative parenting, their actions on the ground tell us something else entirely.

Aside from Alan Beith?s letter to the Prime Minister there have been other significant happenings in the field of family separation, the new Child Maintenance Agency is about to be launched replacing the old Child Maintenance Enforcement Commission. The i news paper this week discussed the launch and the issue of doubling the payments that unemployed fathers would be forced to make as well as the issue of chasing old debts. Given that unemployed fathers without the main care of their children do not receive any kind of financial recognition for their parenting in benefit payments, the doubling seems to me, to be unnecessarily harsh, harking back to the old days of the Child Support Agency when dads were bad and in need of punishment.

It will, no doubt, please Gingerbread however, whose spokesperson Caroline Davey, in the same article, spoke of the principle of making sure that old debt was paid by the avoidant father. In Gingerbread land, where all mothers are poor and children, without exception, are starving, the only way to tackle family separation is through pursuit and punishment of errant dads. This powerful lobby group is not going to stop its efforts to make sure the old labels of good mum and bad dad are stuck firmly back in place and my guess is that the autumn will see the parental rights groups lining up once again for battle.

And so as the summer holidays approach it is time for a break from family separation, although living in a separated family as I do, I will be doing what most of us in this situation do at this time of year. This year I will be coordinating family get-togethers, aiming to include everyone, trying to please the old folk as well as the young folk, often failing miserably, because in reality we are negotiating with at least three different family systems that the most sophisticated diary system could not cope with. Mostly I will be hoping that somewhere, at some point, we might just touch that magical place where the schisms and fissures fall away and we find ourselves all together in the shared physical and emotional space that we have carved out as belonging to us. When we do it will be worth it but to get there it takes the most phenomenal effort and a whole load of compromise, co-ordination and care.

Come autumn then, when the anti?cooperative parenting lobby gears up in full, Professor Parkinson?s words should be the spur to our continued struggle to ensure that the possibility of children maintaining a meaningful relationship with both parents and their wider family becomes real.

?One of the main lessons from Australia is that there is benefit in moving away from court-centric approach to family justice in favour of a community centric approach to family relationships. Legislation needs to be drafted with that emphasis in mind.?

As Professor Parkinson?s presentation shows, the anti co-operative parenting lobby are going to use fogging, misrepresentation and a wider range of other tactics to resist and derail change. And so the focus of those of us who believe that co-operation is possible, needs to be firmly upon the change that we can drive through our society and the support that we can provide to help more families work together.

Co-operative parenting isn?t easy and community support for it is going to be essential if more children are going to benefit from it. The single parent lobby would like to see the project fall at the first hurdle if possible so that they can prevent the changes that the government are pushing through. If ever there was a time for the rest of us to work together, that time is now.

Key points for UK thinking ? from Professor Parkinson?s presentation

1. Emphasise the importance of maintaining children?s relationships with both parents and with others who are important to them.

2. Avoid presumptions about time.

3. Avoid bifurcation in the law of parenting after separation


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Lloyd I. Sederer, MD: 'Random' Acts of Violence Are Not So Random

Columbine, Colo.; Fort Hood, Texas; Virginia Tech; Tucson, Ariz.; and now Aurora, Colo. -- and too many other sites of horror -- are often seen as random acts of violence. Perhaps we arrive at this view because these acts and actors are not tied to conspiracies, or to systematic terrorist plans. Instead, they generally are the actions of a severely disturbed person, typically acting alone, but not spontaneously or without careful planning. In other words, they are not random. In fact, the perpetrators of these acts of murder and mayhem generally build their catastrophic scenario slowly, over months or longer; their progressive behavioral deterioration is often evident to others or sometimes the plan is even broadcast by the perpetrator himself. Analyses after the fact from families, friends, neighbors and personal journals painfully demonstrate their angst, rage, loathing of self and others, and intensifying and monocular attention to their day of reckoning.

Many of us will react with horror and think we need to lock these people up, maybe throw away the key. If we let them out, some advocate for the involuntary use of psychotropic medications. But, in fact, the trajectory to these disastrous events calls for more complex actions. These individuals herald their problems by dropping out (of school, work, treatment) or by overuse of hospital services (especially emergency rooms) or by police confrontations. Functioning deteriorates, and their behaviors communicate distress. Most people are responsive to help when it is offered and provided with dignity and quality. Rare yet unthinkably awful cases go on to violence -- and that is when inattention has allowed their conditions to reach an extreme. The mental health system, including substance abuse services, has been too ineffective for too long in detecting and delivering what is needed, despite the dedicated people who work in these settings.

One "solution" (for those already determined to have a serious and persistent mental illness) is called "involuntary outpatient commitment" -- IOC -- (or "assisted outpatient treatment," "mandatory outpatient treatment"); it has been legally adopted in many (but not all) states, though the requirements of this law vary substantially from state to state. As a rule, the law permits courts to mandate outpatient psychiatric treatment for people with severe mental illness who are at risk of clinical relapse or deterioration that may place themselves or others in danger, and who have demonstrated by past behavior that on their own they are not apt to voluntarily comply (laws for inpatient commitment exist in all states and emergency intervention requires imminent dangerousness). What IOC can provide, when effectively organized and delivered, is clear accountability for, and coordination and monitoring of, a person's condition by community service providers; it also places IOC patients at the front of a long queue for limited mental health resources (including case management, clinic and psychiatric visits, medication, even housing). The fact that a court weighs in adds an unparalleled dimension to the accountability of community service agencies.

But the number of people with serious mental (and addictive) disorders who could benefit from accountable, coordinated and accessible care far outnumbers the capacities of any IOC program, which is always time-limited by a court anyway. My colleagues in many states recognize the considerable limits of IOC, and its dependence on undaunted leadership in clinical and legal services as well as adequate and sustained funding to ensure that the involuntary services demanded of the patient are in place and accessible. What this amounts to is that despite the evidence of success of IOC (and its necessity for some people who may not for years come to appreciate that they are ill), it sounds better than it is.

A special commission by a group of experts and government officials was created in 2008 in New York State by Mayor Bloomberg and then Governor Paterson in the wake of a series of violent incidents in New York City that involved people with mental illnesses, including their use of drugs and alcohol.[1],[2] The report emphasizes two key findings: namely, that violence by people with mental illness is generally the result of their not being engaged in treatments (that can be highly effective), and their use of drugs and alcohol. The implication is that for citizens and police to have their risk of harm reduced, people with mental and addictive disorders need better early engagement and retention in proven (so called evidence-based) treatments.

Acute conditions (whether a broken arm, a heart attack, a delirium, a raging psychosis) benefit from doctors stepping in and taking control. But most conditions are chronic (like diabetes, heart disease, asthma, PTSD, schizophrenia, depression and bipolar disorder) where early detection, accessible and patient-centered care (not in slogan but in reality), the involvement of families and significant others, and the provision of proven treatments are basic to their management. The same approach applies for both physical and mental disorders. With chronic disorders, unless those who are ill learn to take responsibility for and manage their illnesses, the disease (not recovery) triumphs -- and everyone loses.

True clinical accountability means that service providers have designated populations of patients (specified caseloads, registries of patients) for whom they are held continuously responsible (not by involuntary outpatient commitment but by contractual and medical standards); this was one idea advanced but not achieved by the Community Mental Health Act of 1963 (!) that was the foundation for the community-based mental health services we have today. We also need better ways to encourage people with mental disorders to come to and participate in treatment. To achieve this latter goal will mean far more responsiveness to what patients want (again, patient-centered care), peers (other patients advanced in their recovery) as community workers, and creating the experience that it is safe to seek treatment (that the result will not be activating police and locked hospital settings). I wish our provision of these effective elements of care was greater and faster than it has been to date. The need is surely there, with 1 in 5 Americans annually suffering from a mental disorder that adversely affects their life and functioning.

We have no perfect treatments for a host of chronic conditions, including cardiovascular disorders, cancer, Parkinson's disease, dementias, schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. But we have learned a lot about chronic disease management. Our challenge is to turn what we know into better delivery of the right treatments that patients receive from doctors and enabling patients to learn to manage their diseases; some call this closing the science-to-practice gap. The challenge is as great in physical medicine as it is in psychiatric medicine. In mental health, we need to be wary of short-term, reactive "fixes" stimulated by agonizing events that may have emotional appeal but are no substitute for an ongoing resolve to apply proven means of systematically improving care and accountability, which are our best chance to reduce risks to the safety of individuals and communities.

"Random" is not so random. We have not adequately implemented prevention, screening, early intervention and ongoing engagement in good treatment that would better recognize patterns, detect disorders and assure accountable ways to respond. We can close this gap, we know how. When we do, and I believe we can, our communities will be able to meet the complex goals of public safety, personal liberty and high-quality clinical care.


1. Smith,TE, Sederer,LI. "Changing the Landscape of an Urban Public Mental Health System: The 2008 New York State/New York City Mental Health-Criminal Justice Review Panel." Journal of Urban Health, Bulletin of the NY Academy of Medicine. No. 87, Vol. 1, January 2010, pp 129-135. [Link]

2. Smith TE, Appel A, Donahue SA, Essock SM, Jackson CT, Karpati A, Marsik T, Myers RW, Tom L, Sederer LI: "Using Medicaid claims data to identify service gaps for high-need clients: The NYC Mental Health Care Monitoring Initiative." Psychiatric Services. Vol. 62, No. 1, January 2011; pp 9-11

Lloyd I. Sederer, MD

The opinions expressed here are solely mine as a psychiatrist and public health advocate. I receive no support from any pharmaceutical or device company.

Visit Dr. Sederer's website ( for questions you want answered, reviews, commentary and stories.

For more by Lloyd I. Sederer, M.D., click here.

For more on mental health, click here.


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Sunday, July 22, 2012

Redpoint Closes On $130M For Brazil-Focused VC Fund

Redpoint eventures logoRedpoint, the venture capital fund pioneered by Silicon Valley VC firms Redpoint Ventures and (previously known as BV Capital), has raised $130 million for its first dedicated venture fund. According to the firm, this new raise makes Redpoint the largest early-stage venture capital fund in Brazil.


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An Austrian company has developed a new kind of triple-layer fabric that allows this jacket to keep the wearer either warm or cool depending on how they wear it—making it the perfect accessory for globe-hopping adventurers who prefer to travel light. More »


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Saturday, July 21, 2012

Earn Money Online iWebdeveloper: Deep Linking Article Content

Many people want to be financially unbiased. Because of this, people are constantly on a constant lookout for income generating careers. What a lot of people do not realize is that there are a lot of opportunities to gain even within the comforts of their own home.

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KDDI unveils ICS 'Smart TV Box' for cable providers in Japan, available later this year (video)

KDDI unveils ICS 'Smart TV Box' for cable providers in Japan, available later this year

We've seen a fair share of Android-powered set-tops in our time, but KDDI (with the help of Panasonic) has taken a slightly different entertainment route with its recently unveiled Smart TV Box. Similar to some Google TV boxes, which the Smart TV Box isn't, KDDI plans to bring this one to cable providers in Japan to act as the main unit in living rooms, with the testing phase set to commence as soon as next month. KDDI's Smart TV Box is powered by an undisclosed dual-core chip and feeds off of a tasty bite of Mountain View's Ice Cream Sandwich. As far as ports and other features, there's HDMI and three USB ports on board, while ethernet (WiFi, too) keeps you connected and a built-in hard drive takes care of all your DVR needs. Like we said earlier, trial runs will start in August, but the Japanese company expects to have the brick officially up-and-running in a number of households later this fall. In the meantime, though, there's a soothing video for your viewing pleasure just past the break.

Continue reading KDDI unveils ICS 'Smart TV Box' for cable providers in Japan, available later this year (video)

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KDDI unveils ICS 'Smart TV Box' for cable providers in Japan, available later this year (video) originally appeared on Engadget on Fri, 20 Jul 2012 14:39:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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