Friday, November 23, 2012

The Ultimate Bowling Guide : Sports and Recreation

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The Ultimate Bowling GuideThe good news is, there are a few simple "tweaks" any bowler can use to instantly tack on 20, 30, even 50 or more points a game. And it doesn?t take that much effort.

There are five "dirty little secrets" among professional bowlers? secrets that no amateur ever learns on their own? and the pro?s like it that way.

These five "dirty little secrets" are extremely simple to master (once they are revealed to you)? and yet they INSTANTLY allow you (no matter how butt ugly you think your game is right now) to "lock into" your own personal "Perfect Shot". Which means on your very next game, you will:

How can this be? How can you not transform your game? and suddenly ? and I do mean SUDDENLY ? start playing like the top pro?s at their peak?

You see? you ALREADY have the goods when it comes to bowling the best game you?re capable of? just not WHEN IT COUNTS.

You heard right. You?re "blowing your wad" on your PRACTICE THROWS, if you?re like 99% of the amateur bowlers in the world. And you?re leaving your best game behind. And going out on the lanes with the WORST game you have.

If you?re like most bowlers, you like to warm up with a few frames before you start a game, right? At the very least, you get to the lanes every once in a while to "practice". Everyone who takes their game seriously does this. I know I do.

But the pro?s do something DIFFERENT than you do. Unlike you (and every other amateur in the world)?

The Pro Knows How To "Capture" His Best Shot During The Warm-Up? And Bring It With Him To The Game!

Amateurs, on the other hand, LEAVE their best shot behind. Let me explain: There you are on your lane, warming up and testing the lane conditions, launching a fairly-decent hook, getting a strike here and there, maybe missing an occasional spare, setting up again and correcting your lift, launching another pretty damn good shot?

"Locked" That Breathtaking Shot Into His Body, Where He Could Bring It Back At Will, In The Game Where It Would Count The Most!

You, however, blow right past the few perfect shots you throw practicing, not storing them at all, and thus you can?t find them when it counts. Those great shots you launch on the practice lane are lost forever. Even more depressing? there?s a 90% chance the shots you do throw in the game will be among your WORST! Because, you?ve done EVERYTHING WRONG at the warm-up.

And what?s really frustrating is you don?t even know you?re doing it? because these five little secrets are NEVER discovered by amateurs! They?re the secrets that separate the guys who can make a living off the game, and everyone else who can?t buy a break.

And? just like most things that are so simple they get completely overlooked? no one has really understood how these secrets?

Read more?

Posted by Dan on Thursday, November 22, 2012 at 10:41 am?
Filed under General ? Tagged with


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