Monday, September 17, 2012


I want to share with you a deep secret that I have discovered to be true about the reason why many network marketers have failed and why many Network marketing companies fail.

I have joined and abandoned so many network marketing businesses before and I determined not to go near such businesses again. Why, the system failed, I failed and many of those whom I introduced also failed. Ironically, some people that joined the same network business even after I had given up made it and became rich.

I decided to know what causes such mass failure among network marketers. I discovered that many of us who joined this networks are new to such businesses, do not Know how the business operate and with so much excitement and optimism, we jump into the business with our hard earned money only to lose it all and many vow never to go near such businesses again.

I have come to learn that all Network marketing companies do not operate with the same system, some use board system, some other use binary system. Some of this system require marketers to work with stringent measures to be met in other to qualify for bonuses, this makes marketers go all out and selfishly recruit down lines directly under them, and then leave those down lines to their fate after exciting them with the incredible benefits of the companies compensation plan and bonuses. Everybody is always left to do the business on their own. This is the major reason why most people eventually fail after experiencing so many rejections. Some sponsors recruit inactive down lines who have personally paid for to join in other to meet their target. Some network marketing systems encourage this type of approach which is a sneaky way to rub people off and deprive them of the benefits.

Now, I discovered the secret to how network marketing will work anywhere in the world no matter the type of product being sold as well as the networking system that is marketer friendly. The secrets are:

1. Learn the art of marketing and prospecting.
2. The true meaning of Network Marketing is TEAM Marketing, you should never try to do this business alone. You must work with a team who harness their marketing and together build a team to make everybody happy. Even if your down line lives in another country, you must endeavor to build a working relationship.
3. Go for the most promising and member friendly network marketing system that encourages team work. I love the binary system but you can choose the one that best soothes you. With the binary system you are only entitled to two direct downlines, other recruit of yours must be put under your downlines, and the system goes for all. It?s a beautiful system because you are obligated to also ensure your downlines succeed before you can succeed, you are not permitted to acquire thousands of direct downlines. If you can get a 1000 people, then it will be shared under your team.
4. Don?t market more of the company product than the benefit, let people know the kind of financially free life they stand to gain by joining your business.
If this write up has not encouraged you and you will rather choose to earn active income which will only come when you work and not passive income that will keep coming to you even when you are no more working, then I leave you with your choice. I assure you however that you can be a successful network marketer when you belong to the right team as the first criteria for success, then the right company with a very good compensation plan.

About the Author

Odofin Caleb is a mlm specialist interested in building successful team through good team synergized marketing,developing team building strategies to help mlm business owners find success. Business site is


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