Sunday, February 5, 2012

Banking Security and Safety - Avoid Identity Theft ... - Tech Chat Show

EP:15 Backup Solutions for your Business Data

Show 15

Download Show 15 EP:15 Backup Solutions for your Business Data

In this show we talk about Banking Security and Safety ? Avoid Identity Theft ? Online Security Tips.

Help to avoid becoming victims of a computer virus, & cybercrime

? Install high-quality Internet security software.
? Update Windows regularly for critical security updates
? Update your Browser regularly
? Web page addresses can be disguised or take you to an unexpected site.
? Be suspicious of unexpected attachments, even from legitimate acquaintances.
? Avoid questionable Web sites. ? use program like WOT
? Only download software from sites you trust. Carefully evaluate free software and file-sharing applications before downloading them.
? Update your operating system regularly. ? This is crucial to block security holes in your O/S
? Increase your browser security settings. ? Do this by adding Ad-block plus, No-Script, HTTPS Everywhere: your browser automatically goes for the HTTPS/SSL connection option, or uses TOR?s resources to encrypted it. Lastpass Password manager, Dr Web Link Checker, Virual Threat Level, Better Privacy

Security Firefox Plug-ins

? Type in a trusted URL for a company?s site into the address bar of your browser to bypass links in an email or instant message.
? Do not click on emails or web links from unfamiliar senders with unbeatable offers that seem too good to be true
? Make sure you make use of updated anti-virus and anti-spyware software on your computer and make regular back-ups of your data

How do you know if there is spyware on your computer?

The following symptoms may indicate that spyware is installed on your computer:
? you are subjected to endless pop-up windows
? you are redirected to web sites other than the one you typed into your browser
? new, unexpected toolbars appear in your web browser
? new, unexpected icons appear in the task tray at the bottom of your screen
? your browser?s home page suddenly changed
? the search engine your browser opens when you click ?search? has been changed
? certain keys fail to work in your browser (e.g., the tab key doesn?t work when you are moving to the next field within a form)
? random Windows error messages begin to appear
? your computer suddenly seems very slow when opening programs or processing tasks (saving files, etc.) high CPU usage, computer keeps freezing up, blue screens.

Zeus attacks browsers using the ?man-in-the-browser? method and there is an argument that the only way of protecting against it is to site protection within that environment.

Online Protection Tips

Layered Security

? 1. Antivirus 1. Antimalware Pro 1. Firewall 1. On Demand Scanner 1 (or as many as you like)

Secure Your Web Browser

Securing Browser

? Increase your browser security settings. ? Do this by adding Ad-block plus, No-Script, HTTPS Everywhere: your browser automatically goes for the HTTPS/SSL connection option, or uses TOR?s resources to encrypted it. Lastpass Password manager, Dr Web Link Checker, Virual Threat Level, Better Privacy

Security Firefox Plug-ins

Trusteer?s Rapport browser plug-in (which is free)
must watch Trusteer?s Rapport browser plug-in

These are just some of the stuff we cover in this weeks show.


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